Dip Gel Manicure: How Manicurists Prepare Your Nails Before That!

Do you want to have cute and attractive nails while healthy too? Then, a dip gel manicure could be the best option you have! From the perfect gloss and matte finishes to the non-chip and long-lasting nails- all you can get here! But before you step into a nail salon, have an idea how the manicurists take care of your nails before providing your dip gel manicure. Have a look! Simple steps that manicurists follow for nail prep before dip gel mani Healthy nails depend not only on the dipping powder but the previous steps the experts follow before the start. Such as: Step#1: Soaking your nails The manicurists start with dipping your fingertips into a bowl of warm water. This trick is quite effective to soften the skin around your nail cuticles and ease pushing those back! Generally, the experts soak the fingers at least for a couple of minutes for each hand before moving to the next step. Step#2: Taking care of the cuticles You can find most manicurists use cuticle tools to push those bac...